Don’t Let Filth Flies Take Over: Pest Control Guide

Filth Flies Pest Control

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Filth flies. The very name conjures up images of buzzing annoyance and unsanitary conditions. In sunny Bakersfield, CA, these unwelcome visitors can become a real problem, especially during the warmer months. If you’re struggling with a fly infestation, you’re not alone. But fear not, fellow Bakersfield residents! This guide will equip you with the knowledge to combat these pests and reclaim your home.

The Filthy Truth About Filth Flies

First, let’s understand the enemy. Filth flies, also known as house flies, are attracted to decaying organic matter, garbage, and animal waste. They breed rapidly, laying hundreds of eggs in a single lifetime. These eggs hatch into maggots within a day, further multiplying the problem.

Here’s a breakdown of the most common filth flies in Bakersfield:

  • House Flies: The most recognizable, these gray-bodied nuisances spread bacteria on their hairy bodies, contaminating surfaces and food.
  • Fruit Flies: Smaller than house flies, these vinegar-loving pests are attracted to overripe fruits and vegetables.
  • Drain Flies: Tiny flies that hover around drains, these pests breed in moist areas with decaying organic matter.
  • Blow Flies: With a metallic blue sheen, these flies lay eggs on dead animals and decaying matter, posing a health risk.

The Dangers Of Filth Flies

Beyond the annoyance factor, filth flies pose a significant health risk. They can transmit various diseases, including:

  • Salmonella: This bacterial infection causes food poisoning with symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, and fever.
  • E. coli: Another bacterial infection with similar symptoms to Salmonella.
  • Shigellosis: This bacterial infection causes cramps, fever, and bloody diarrhea.
  • Eye Infections: Filth flies can spread pink eye and other eye infections by landing on infected surfaces.

Preventing A Filth Fly Frenzy

Here are some essential tips to prevent filth flies from taking over your Bakersfield home: Click Pest Control Bakersfield CA: Protecting Your Businesses for more.

  • Sanitation is Key: Regularly clean up spills, dispose of garbage promptly, and maintain clean drains.
  • Secure Your Food: Store food in airtight containers and keep surfaces clean.
  • Seal Up the Cracks: Check for and seal any cracks or gaps around windows, doors, and vents to prevent flies from entering.
  • Empty Trash Cans Regularly: Don’t let overflowing trash cans become a breeding ground.
  • Clean Up Pet Waste: Promptly remove pet waste from your yard to eliminate a breeding site.

When Prevention Fails: Enter Pest Control Bakersfield CA

If you’ve implemented these preventative measures and still have a fly problem, it’s time to call in the professionals. Here’s what to consider when choosing a pest control Bakersfield CA company:

  • Experience: Opt for a company with experience dealing with filth flies in Bakersfield’s specific climate.
  • Licensing and Insurance: Ensure the company is licensed and insured for your protection.
  • Treatment Methods: Inquire about their specific treatment methods and their safety for your family and pets.
  • Guarantees: Look for a company that offers guarantees on their fly control services.
  • Reviews and Reputation: Check online reviews and ask for recommendations from friends and neighbors.

Killian Pest Control: Your Bakersfield Fly Fighters

One highly-rated option for pest control in Bakersfield, CA, is Killian Pest Control. Here’s why they might be a good fit for your fly infestation woes:

  • Local Expertise: Killian Pest Control understands the Bakersfield climate and the specific challenges it poses for fly control.
  • Experienced Technicians: Their team of trained technicians possess the expertise to effectively eliminate filth flies from your home.
  • Safe Treatment Options: They prioritize using safe and effective methods to keep your family and pets protected.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Killian Pest Control boasts positive customer reviews highlighting their responsiveness and effectiveness.

The Lifecycle Of A Loathsome Dweller: A Look Inside The Filth Fly’s World

Filth flies might seem like simple annoyances, but understanding their lifecycle reveals a complex and fascinating, albeit disgusting, process. Here’s a closer look at the four stages of a filth fly’s life:

1. Egg Stage: The journey begins with adult female flies seeking out the perfect breeding ground – a haven of decaying organic matter. This could be anything from a forgotten fruit bowl to a pile of dog waste. They lay hundreds of tiny, white eggs in these hospitable environments, ensuring a high chance of offspring survival.

2. Larval Stage (Maggot): Within a day or two, the eggs hatch into maggots – the blind, worm-like stage of a fly’s life. These little terrors are relentless eaters, consuming the decaying matter around them. They go through three larval instars, each increasing in size as they gorge themselves. This stage can last anywhere from a few days to a a couple of weeks depending on the species and temperature.

3. Pupal Stage: After a feeding frenzy, the maggot enters the pupal stage. It forms a hardened puparium, a brown or black case, around itself. Inside this protective shell, a metamorphosis takes place. Over a period of several days, the maggot transforms into an adult fly.

4. Adult Stage: Finally, the adult fly emerges from the puparium, ready to mate and continue the cycle. This stage is all about reproduction and feeding. Adult flies can live for several weeks, laying hundreds of eggs during their lifespan. This rapid reproduction rate is why a seemingly small fly problem can quickly escalate into a full-blown infestation.

Beyond The Basics: A Fly’s Filthy Habits

The lifecycle paints a grim picture, but the unsavory habits of filth flies extend even further. Here are some additional details that highlight why they pose a health risk:

  • Sponging Mouthparts: Unlike mosquitoes with their piercing mouthparts, filth flies don’t bite. Instead, they have sponging mouthparts that allow them to suck up liquids. This seemingly harmless act becomes problematic because flies land on all sorts of surfaces, including filth and garbage. They then regurgitate a portion of this contaminated liquid mixture to liquefy their food, further spreading bacteria wherever they land.
  • Passive Transmission: As flies move from place to place, they carry bacteria on their hairy bodies and legs. This passive transmission of pathogens can contaminate food preparation surfaces, utensils, and even your food itself, potentially leading to illness.

Understanding the lifecycle and habits of filth flies emphasizes the importance of prevention and swift action when dealing with an infestation. By taking the necessary steps and seeking professional help if needed, you can keep these unwelcome guests out of your Bakersfield home.


Don’t let these persistent pests disrupt your Bakersfield summer! By implementing the preventative measures outlined above and partnering with a trusted pest control company like Killian Pest Control, you can reclaim your home and enjoy a fly-free oasis. Take action today and contact Killian Pest Control for a free quote and experience the peace of mind that comes with a pest-free environment!


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